Suppose we had postage stamps worth \(5\) cents and \(3\) cents. Which number of cents can we form using these stamps? In other words, which postage can we pay?
\[\begin{aligned} &CanPay(0) \land \lnot CanPay(1) \land \lnot CanPay(2) \land \\ &CanPay(3) \land \lnot CanPay(4) \land CanPay(5) \land CanPay(6) \\ &\lnot CanPay(7) \land \forall n \in \mathbb{Z}^{\geq 8} CanPay(n) \end{aligned}\]
where the predicate \(CanPay\) with domain \(\mathbb{N}\) is \[CanPay(n) = \exists x \in \mathbb{N} \exists y \in \mathbb{N} ( 5x+3y = n)\]
Proof (idea): First, explicitly give witnesses or general arguments for postages between \(0\) and \(7\). To prove the universal claim, we can use mathematical induction or strong induction.
Approach 1, mathematical induction: if we have stamps that add up to \(n\) cents, need to use them (and others) to give \(n+1\) cents. How do we get \(1\) cent with just \(3\)-cent and \(5\)-cent stamps?
Either take away a \(5\)-cent stamps and add two \(3\)-cent stamps,
or take away three \(3\)-cent stamps and add two \(5\)-cent stamps.
The details of this proof by mathematical induction are making sure we have enough stamps to use one of these approaches.
Approach 2, strong induction: assuming we know how to make postage for all smaller values (greater than or equal to \(8\)), when we need to make \(n+1\) cents, add one \(3\) cent stamp to however we make \((n+1) - 3\) cents.
The details of this proof by strong induction are making sure we stay in the domain of the universal when applying the induction hypothesis.